TISSUE CULTURE RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS is the official journal of the Japanese Tissue Culture Association. Original articles that deal with tissues, organs or cells from multicellular organism in vitro will be considered. Manuscripts must be written in English or Japanese, preferentially in English.

Four types of papers are published; (a) regular articles, (b) invited review articles and review articles, (c) rapid communications, (d) general information that include meeting reports and book reviews. Manuscripts in regular articles and rapid communications will be reviewed by two to three referees in the field.


    Send three complete sets of manuscripts (one original typescript and two copies ) with all tables and original photographs and a copyright transfer form to the Japanese Tissue Culture Association to :

      Tetsuji Okamoto, Managing Editor
      Editorial office of Tissue Culture Research Communications.
      Dept. of Oral & Maxillo-Facial Surgery 1
      Hiroshima University School of Dentistry
      1-2-3, kasumi, HIROSHIMA 734-8553, Japan
      Telephone: 082-257-5665
      Facsimile: 082-257-5669



    Manuscripts should be clearly typed with double spacing on A4 or international size papers. Margins of not less than 2cm should be left on each side. Each manuscript consists of title, authors, affiliations, abstract, key words, running title, footnotes including abbreviations, introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion, acknowledgements, references, tables, and figure legends.

    The first page should carry: title, the name of author's, affiliations, running title (not to exceed 40 letters and spaces) and corresponding author's name and full address (telephone number and also facsimile number if any) .

    At most five keys words should be given. The seconds page should contain abstract, not to exceed 200 words. The text should start on page 3. All pages should be numbered. Regular articles should be used descriptive subheading, e.g., Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Acknowledgements, and References. Different writing style should be accepted in other types of articles.


    Names of chemical compounds should conform to the International Union for Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC ) nomenclature and biochemical terms to those of the International Union of Biochemistry (IUB).

Measurement, Signs, and Symbols

    Units of measurements must be those in international usage. Any new units or symbols used should be explained in the text. All units of measurements should be SI units.


    Use of abbreviation should be minimized. Where necessary, spell out the abbreviated term followed by the abbreviation in parentheses where it is first cited.


    Authors are responsible for the accuracy of references. Authors should confirm all references on the final manuscript with original publications. References should be numbered consecutively in the order in which they are cited in the text by means of numerical superscripts, such as 1),2),3)c regardless of citation method, follow Index Medicus Journal title abbreviations.

    Citegmanuscripts in preparationh,gunpublished resultsh, gpersonal communicationsh, etc., in the text.

    The recommended citation style for references to manuals, books and journals is shown in the following examples;

      1. Hart, R. W. and Setlow, R. B.; Correlation between deoxyribonucleic acid excision repair and lifespan in a number of mammalian species. Proc, Natl, A cad. Sci. USA, 71,2169-2173,1984.

      2. Hayflick, L.: The cellular basis for biological aging. Finch. C. E. and S chneider. F. L. (Eds.). In Handbook of the Biology of Aging, VanNostrand Reinhold, New York, NY, pp159-186,1977.


    Tables should be numbered consecutively with Roman numerals, i.e., Table 1, Table 2, All tables should have a title. Headings to column should be brief. If any footnotes are required, use alphabetic superscripts, such as a) , b)


    Figures should be numbered consecutively in Arabic numbers, i.e., Fig. 1, Fig.2 All photographs should be identified on the reverse side with figure number, the first author's name and orientation. Photographs in triplicates should be printed on glossy paper. Single column figures must not exceed 82~220 mm. Double-column figures must not exceed 164~220mm. Materials of inappropriate size will be reduced by the Editorial Office. Titles and legends to figures should be typed on a separate sheet. Magnifications of photographs should be indicated in the legends and /or by scales attached on the photographs. The cost of all colored photographs must be borne by the author.

Proof Reading

    The Editorial Office provides authors with galley proofs for their examination only for one time. The authors should go over the proof carefully, but no new insertions should be made in the text.

Page charge

    In principle, the length of regular article, review article , and rapid communication are limited to 8, 10 and 4 printed pages, respectively, including figures and tables. If the length of each article exceeds, the authors are required to pay €5,000 per page for extra pages.


    Reprints order forms are sent to authors along with their proof.


    The copyright for articles which appears in Tissue Culture Research Communications is held by The Japanese Tissue Culture Association. Use the copyright transfer from attached to this journal. Form will be returned with manuscripts not accepted.